Friday, December 31, 2010

Jason Bradfield (aka kingneb) Says...

Jason Bradfield, the right hand man to FORMER hyperpreterist leader; Sam Frost had this to say recently:

"Within full preterism, you have two kinds of people. Who have those who have (1) thrown off all restraint and could care less about what orthodox christianity has been doing and teaching for the past 2,ooo years and then you have (2) those who view that as wreck-less and still want to maintain some sort of connection with 'historic Christianity', but wish to alter only eschatological issues which they believe only effects a small percentage of the worldview." --
He later in the article concludes...

"Perhaps the two group distinction within full preterism is just a facade. When push comes to shove, group (2) starts sounding an awful lot like group (1) and both end up doing nothing but leeching."
Keep in mind who Bradfield is in relation to the 'movement". Bradfield filled the void after liberal/Emergent/universalistic hyperpreterist Virgil Vaduva went down in flames along with his now dormant website; PlanetPreterist. Bradfield set up several websites and helped set up other people's websites to help replace PlanetPreterist.

What Bradfield is saying here is something I've said for years. Ultimately, to really be a "consistent" hyperpreterist a person MUST take the "group 1" approach. They MUST as Bradfield says, "throw off all restraint and could care less about what orthodox christianity has been doing and teaching for the past 2,ooo years".

Some people, even some anti-preterists think I have been using the "history" argument all this time -- not so. Rather, I have been pointing out what Bradfield has come to realize. The REAL and number one issue with hyperpreterists isn't that we need to engage them in "exegesis" -- since no amount of interaction in that area will help a hyperpreterist while they are of the mindset of "throwing off all restraint and could care less about what orthodox christianity has been doing and teaching for the past 2,ooo years". We MUST first address why a hyperpreterist thinks God has either been unable or unwilling to maintain a basic understanding of eschatological truth for 2,000 years. You see, this is the heart of the hyperpreterist erroneous mindset. They MUST claim something went terribly wrong. They MUST claim that the day after AD70, the Church failed and has been a failure for 2000 years...until Max King comes along in the 1970s espousing the first fully hyperpreterist doctrine.

It doesn't matter if an individual hyperpreterist says they didn't come into hyperpreterism through Max King, since before King and without King the hyperpreterist movement would have never launched.

So, as Bradfield concludes; there really is just ONE KIND of hyperpreterist -- the kind that MUST "throw off all restraint and could care less about what orthodox christianity has been doing and teaching for the past 2,ooo years". This kind of hyperpreterist is the only TRUE PRETERIST, the only "fuller full preterist", the only "realized preterist" out there. The rest are simply inconsistent.

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