Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Just Can't Get Away

Everytime I think I'm done with interaction with Full Preterism and can put the mothballs to it, along comes something else the Lord brings. A gentleman who had been a full preterist for many years contacted me, and we had about an hour phone call. He wrote a book back in about 1999 and wants me to review it. I'll keep you posted when I receive it and read it. (p.s., it's supposedly a REAL book, not an 80 page pamphlet)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry as long as your in the truth there's nothing to worry about.

Just be prepared with the Hard questions. Like in Revelations 21 & 22.

I come quickly...3x it was repeated in the Last chapter
How many times does Jesus have to say, "I come quickly", "The time is at hand", "Soon to take place", this theme runs from the beginning to the end of the book! The Prophecy was written to "7" literal churches that existed? in Asia to warn them of what is coming. And what was it that was coming, Huh!...surprising isn't it? lol

The 3 of Life in the New Heavens and Earth that grows fruit every month for the HEALING of NATIONS. Why is there a need for Healing if we are in the new heavens and the new earth and all things are new?

In the great new Jerusalem City OUTSIDE of it are Dogs,Sinners, Murderers, etc. They imply it's not Hell but simply outside the City roaming around Haha.

Please review whatsoever is in that book was and shed the light of Christ to that brother whether he is still in dark claws of Hyperpreterism. Go forth soldier of Christ, Victory is yours! - Anon -