Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Thank You Jason Bradfield

Jason Bradfield, long-time hyperpreterist and perhaps the guy who has helped many of the modern crop of hyperprets set up their websites, recently recanted the heresy.  Bradfield has been a long-time "hater" of me and continues to hate my guts to this day.  He recently posted a reply to a thread I started at CARM.  What follows is my interaction with Bradfield's comments.  Before you read this interaction, please know I am very happy that Bradfield has left the heresy of hyperpreterism behind.  I hope in time he will leave behind his general rudeness.

Quote Originally Posted by kingneb View Post
Yes, everyone give Roderick a round of applause, since that is obviously all he cares about. Ironic how Rod is supposedly concerned with Sam's "arrogance", yet writes a number of posts whining about the fact that the "new guard" won't give him any credit.
What a shame Jason you have not dropped the rudeness with your transition out of the heresy of hyperpreterism Oh well, perhaps it was part of your demeanor before you were a hyperpret so it doesn't go away when your hyperpreterism goes away.

Quote Originally Posted by kingneb View Post
Huh, the reason i don't give Rod any credit is quite simple: Rod and his shallow writings had no role whatsoever in my rejection of full preterism. None. Why would i give him credit for something he didn't do?
Yet the things you write about NOW are the EXACT things I have been writing/criticizing "Full preterism" about for the last 10+ years, even while I WAS a hyperpret. Maybe had you spent less time being rude to me and instead listening to what I was trying to say, you would have come out of this heresy sooner. But all in God's timing. Amen!

Quote Originally Posted by kingneb View Post
He points out that he made the Paul/Pharisee connection before i did and ends his post with "I just find it ironic how the "new guard" acts like these are their ideas."

Uh, i NEVER ONCE said that was my idea. I merely wrote about it. So there's a lie, right there. But i bet we won't see Rod repent of that, will we? Truth is, DeeDee Warren had long ago made that observation, back when Rod and I both were full preterists. Further, a friend of mine who goes by the nickname "Seal" on the hiphop boards used to argue that same thing back in 2004…when both Rod and i were still full prets. It wasn't Rod's idea either. People have been making that argument for a long time. The same argument is also presented in "When Shall These Things Be?", a book against full preterists that came out when both Rod and I were full preterists.
See the phrase "ACTS LIKE" there Jason? I never said it was your idea or my idea, only that I've been saying it longer than you guys but since many of you had some irrational personal hatred going on for me, you just wouldn't hear it. I understand.

Quote Originally Posted by kingneb View Post
Huh, the reason i don't give Rod any credit is quite simple: Rod and his shallow writings had no role whatsoever in my rejection of full preterism. None. Why would i give him credit for something he didn't do?
Yet the things you write about NOW are the EXACT things I have been writing/criticizing "Full preterism" about for the last 10+ years, even while I WAS a hyperpret. Maybe had you spent less time being rude to me and instead listening to what I was trying to say, you would have come out of this heresy sooner. But all in God's timing. Amen! P.S. How can you say they are "shallow writings" and yet at the same time you claim you didn't read them??? 

Quote Originally Posted by kingneb View Post
So why in the world would i give Rod credit? Credit for what? He didn't come up with anything. Further, he assumes that i even paid any attention to him to start with. Truth is, i hardly ever read Rod's polemical work against full preterists. This is simply a case where Rod thinks too highly of himself…again.
Here's the POINT Jason, from you yourself: "he assumes that i even paid any attention to him to start with. Truth is, i hardly ever read Rod's polemical work against full preterists." See, here you ADMIT to intentional ignorance. Why would you ignore the polemic work of the person your own mentor, Sam Frost called: "the most vicious critic of full preterism to date."??? Because you simply have hated my guts from the first time I debated Sam when we were both FP and he was made to look foolish. Not because I am egotistically claiming to be a great debater, but because Sam was over confident in his premises and conclusions. I understand you hate my guts Jason and couldn't bring yourself to "pay any attention" to a person who has been for YEARS making the SAME arguments you and Sam are JUST NOW coming to. I forgive you Jason for your willful ignorance of these arguments.

Quote Originally Posted by kingneb View Post
This statement "I just find it ironic how the "new guard" acts like these are their ideas." is a flat out lie. PLus, if you do read everything that i have wrote and Sam, as well, you will find times when we do credit other people. The only reason Rod is upset is because he never sees his name. Talk about "arrogance."
Again, note the phrase "ACTS LIKE". Sam is the one who uses phrases like "single handedly popped their Full Preterist bubble, and many have come out of this movement as a result." (source). If you don't find that "arrogant" then I'm sorry Jason. I actually applaud you Jason, because you left the heresy BEFORE Sam. Sam tried to hang on a bit longer with his "fuller full preterism" and then his "Chilton-like FP". You have indeed "single-handedly" won Sam out of the heresy, and for that I give you "credit". You can keep up your hatred for me Jason. I will STILL praise God that you are out of the heresy. You just keep on writing almost the EXACT things I have written for years. I won't mention it any more that I wrote it before you and you admittedly ignored it. God works how He works. All glory to God, Christ Jesus to whom is due ALL CREDIT...who REALLY "single-handedly" saves sinners and brings them out of error. Amen?

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