Tuesday, September 12, 2017

New Direction for Unpreterist

The Unpreterist website is full of exegetical AND (polemic) personal interactions. While some people have trouble whenever discussions revolve around personal or character issues; there is a time and place for such discussions. I have had to contend with a lot of unsavory people throughout the years and I do not apologize for highlighting those episodes. HOWEVER, I think there is enough historical data now available that I need not to continue addressing those issues so much. In that light, the Unpreterist is going to retool a bit to provide more exegetical articles; especially in light of the upcoming book.

I hope to have the book available in electronic and paperback form before Christmas 2017. It is taking a bit longer due to my day job constraints. The book will be a non-polemic work with a lot of matter-of-fact information, much like you would find at PreteristArchive.

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