Thursday, October 3, 2013 Archive

The Kingdomcome Archive

In early 2004 the website; was started at first as a place to promote a more conservative form of "Full Preterism".  By 2007, Roderick Edwards, the purveyor of the site had abandoned the heresy of Full or Hyperpreterism. The site was retooled to promote time honored theological answers to contemporary issues.

After many years of being a place where people could come for honest interaction; as it did not require registration or login to leave comments, by 2013 Roderick decided it was time to leave behind the "religionists". No, it was not a leaving of the Faith but merely an acknowledgement that much of "ahem"; esteemed theologians are part of a "good-ole-boys" club that covers for the corruption of their peers.  This became extremely apparent in how seminary owner Kenneth Talbot covered for corrupt men and even promoted them as if they were honorable men.

At the height of this corruption, one of Talbot's underlings; a man Talbot even promoted to "deacon" within his church, actually called Roderick's work in an attempt to get him fired. This same man, whom Talbot promotes as a "Christian" called Roderick's home an attempted to interact with his wife. This same man stole (and still keeps) Roderick's copyrighted material against Roderick's expressed statements.

Anyhow, the corruption among men like Talbot and his peers like Gary DeMar, Kenneth Gentry and others is so wide-spread, that Roderick saw no nobility in keeping a theological presence in such an environment and prays every day that God bring such corruption to an end. was closed on October 03, 2013. Most content is transferred to where Roderick maintains his last theological website, which is geared toward "undoing hyperpreterism" -- something Talbot specifically would not and could not do because he was too embedded with hyperpreterists themselves.

Roderick maintains a personal site at

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