Friday, October 25, 2013

The Cult of Hyperpreterism

This was a video done that captured the cultic nature of hyperpreterism.  In it, you'll see many of the faces of hyperpreterism's leaders, their book covers and conferences.

The Cult of Hyperpreterism from thekingdomcomedotcom on GodTube.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, its nice to see Walt Hibbard in the picture, that Guy is also an insanely capable TRUTH twister like Don "the novice" Preston, He can find ways to make arguments in their cults favor even they are really wrong as evident on this rebuttal of Mr.Ken Gentry.

"the Kingdom of God does not come with according to Walt

" The orthodox Jews are still looking for their Messiah in this 20th century; the Church is still looking for the Second Coming of Jesus in this 20th century. Is it possible that the materialistic hope of both groups will never be realized? Something to ponder"....hmmmm Really The church are like Jews looking for a Physical Messiah, ahh he came back spirtualy in 70AD...Poor Christian Church they miss it says the Hyper Preterist. lol

Those guys are the modern Hymeneus of the 21st Century. Glad there's someone like you that expose their corrupt theology.

- ChristianityTriumphs! -